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“We are excited to be working with New Circles Community Services for our production of Love, Loss, and What I Wore!

New Circles was founded in 2005 with one simple principle:

lasting, positive, social change happens when people’s basic needs are met.


The production of Love, Loss & What I Wore is about relationships and wardrobes and at times the interaction of the two, using nostalgia, memories, and power of clothing as a time capsule of a woman’s life.

We are asking that our audience members who are able, bring in a piece of clothing for donation. Winter coats and boots etc. will be needed. At the theatre, there will be a bin for audience members to donate the clothing, and if they wish, they can write a little note, telling us about how the piece of clothing helped create a memory or significant event in their life.


Origin Story of New Circles

New Circles

New Circles LOGO.jpg

New Circles' wraparound approach ensures that newcomers, immigrants and those looking to call Canada their new home have access to free clothing, free employment skills training programs, and settlement support.  New Circles assists over 22,000 individuals annually by breaking down barriers and helping to build better lives by providing clothing, connection, and community.

Our Collaboration

"New Circles is thrilled to be collaborating with Firefly Collective, an ad hoc theatre company wanting to make an impact through quality productions. They produce plays that will often emphasize environmental and social issues with a focus on bettering their community through effective and thoughtful theatre.

Firefly Collective is requesting that those attending the play consider donating winter wear, boots and shoes for all ages and genders to New Circles prior to each performance. We will have donation bins available at the theatre for your gently loved or new clothing. Please support Firefly Collective and New Circles! It's a win-win for everyone.


At New Circles, we understand that clothing empowers people. It highlights individuality and allows you to express yourself through your own personal style. New Circles is committed to providing clothing to our equity-deserving clients. GLOW (Gently Loved Outfits to Wear) is about ensuring that our clients live with dignity as we help to set them up for success on a positive path forward.

GLOW is a free service that provides new or gently used, quality clothing to help equity-deserving individuals and families who are living on a limited income, meet their clothing needs. Our unique clothing program simulates a retail experience, offering a comfortable and welcoming environment. We stock clothing for men, women and children, including specialty items such as maternity wear, and plus size clothing. Our focus remains on providing an inclusive and respectful shopping experience for our clients. GLOW also serves as a training platform for our clients enrolled in our skills training programs, so that they can build employable skills and transition into the workplace.

To learn more about what items you can donate, please visit our FAQ page.

If you have any questions regarding donations, or how you can help make a difference through our GLOW program, please visit our FAQ page or email Our team is happy to assist you!

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